Differences between Zero and other funding programs?
  • 09 Oct 2023
  • 1 Minute to read

Differences between Zero and other funding programs?

Article summary

Zero prepares you to manage investor capital at scale. You do that by building a track record, which we certify and make public, that investors can trust.

Zero’s model is scalable and transparent and is designed for the long-term. You trade your own way, without any restriction on the trading activity, nor any specific return & drawdown targets. We back you along the way to finally being able to manage investor capital.

No restrictions

Instruments traded, volume, duration of the trades...your trade your own way.

Our infrastructure runs on proprietary technology and has been trusted for more than 10 years by thousands of retail and professional investors. We currently hold $110M+ (and growing) in assets under management.

In Zero you can withdraw performance fees earned at your convenience and, should you meet the criteria, open your DARWIN to external investor capital.

Withdrawals always available

You will be able to request withdrawals from $100 in advance any time you want.

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