Promoting your DARWIN
  • 04 Apr 2023
  • 2 Minutes to read

Promoting your DARWIN

Article summary

If you want to share the results and evolution of your DARWIN, we put at your disposal different links to share with your family, friends, and in social networks.

You can find several links at the bottom of the DARWIN performance graph to share on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIN, as well as a direct link to the Darwinex Zero page.


Do's and don'ts when speaking about a DARWIN

If you don’t hold a license that allows you to give investment advice, you can’t do financial promotions of the DARWIN we offer to investors based on your trading activity.

If you’re regulated

If you’re an individual or company with a regulatory license that allows you to give investment advice or manage investment portfolios, you should follow the stipulations of the regulations applicable per your license in relation to complex investment products.

If you’re not regulated

Under UK law, financial promotions may only be published by persons who are authorised to do so. Darwinex Zero does not authorize Signal Providers to do financial promotions.
The term's of the Signal Provider Agreement stipulate, among others, that

You will not undertake any promotional activity, distribute any promotional material or otherwise advertise any Service on behalf of us or a Regulated Entity or on the Signal Provider’s behalf unless the Signal Provider has entered into an Introducer Agreement with us, and then only to undertake such acts and activities are permitted by that agreement

What is a financial promotion?

Any form of communication (including through social media) is capable of being a financial promotion, depending on whether it includes an invitation or inducement to engage in financial activity.

In summary, if you don’t hold a license that allows you to give investment advice, you can’t invite others to engage in the financial activity of investing in the DARWIN based on your trading signal, that is, investing in a portfolio managed by Darwinex Zero that is informed by your trading signal.

Our Compliance team monitors the activity of Signal Providers and we will reach out to you if we detect that you are engaging in unauthorized promotions of the DARWIN based on your trading signal.

Guidance on use of "darwinex" or "darwin" in domain names/social media handles

We discourage using the the words "darwinex" or "darwin" in domain names or social media handles. "Darwinex Zero" is a registered trademark, while "DARWIN" is how we call the managed portfolios we offer to our investor clients. When talking about your trading activity, you should refer to the name of the strategy you trade on your own account rather then the DARWIN we create based on it.

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