Who can subscribe?
  • 30 Jan 2024
  • 1 Minute to read

Who can subscribe?

Article summary

One of the main advantages of the Zero environment is that is based on a monthly subscription, as opposed to requiring you to deposit and trade your own funds. This not only avoids putting your capital at risk, but allows any trader to subscribe to Zero without geographic restrictions.

In short, any adult person can subscribe to Zero, as long as they have an internet connection and can provide a card or Paypal account to pay the monthly subscription, although there may be payment restrictions to some countries initially.

However, please be aware that although Zero strives to offer a global service, there may be certain jurisdictions where payments cannot be made in the local currency. Consequently, in order to receive payment, it may be necessary for you to be able to accept EUR, GBP or USD.

As the recipient, it is your responsibility to ensure that you can accept payment in the designated currency and to take any appropriate measures to enable this to happen.

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